Page 286 - 10. 2nd half 2018 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 286

               5.  Opinion and Recommendations
                   Mr Cordell is a resident at the Enfield borough, who was served an injunction on 9
                   January 2018, following numerous complaints by his neighbours of antisocial behaviour
                   and harassment. Despite this, Mr Cordell has continued to breach the order with further
                   incidents of harassment, threats, and assault against the neighbours. In addition, it has
                   been reported that some council employees have also received threats from Mr Cordell.
                   According to available information, Mr Cordell has had sporadic contact with the mental
                   health services and has been recently assessed by the Enfield Mental Health Assessment
                   Service. During my assessment, Mr Cordell was preoccupied with a number of
                   persecutory and grandiose delusional beliefs. In addition, he also presented with other
                   symptoms such as labile mood, pressured speech, overactivity, and flight of ideas. In my
                   view, Mr Cordell’s current presentation is consistent with Schizoaffective Disorder,
                   which is recognised as an enduring mental illness.
                   I have received specific instructions to address the following issues:
               1.  Whether Mr Cordell has the mental capacity to litigate and give instructions to his
                   As highlighted above, Mr Cordell’s mental state is replete with complex persecutory
                   delusional belief system. During my assessment, Mr Cordell was convinced that the local
                   authority and the police have been colluding alongside his neighbours to pursue false
                   claims and allegations against him. In his view, the possession order and the injunction
                   order were based on false statements, created against him and this did not stand up in
                   Court and therefore an injunction was not issued against him. In my view, although
                   there are no significant deficits in Mr Cordell’s comprehension or retention of
                   information, his ability to process information relevant to the current proceedings is
                   likely to be influenced by his underlying delusional beliefs. During my interaction, it was
                   evident that his interpretation of events and actions of others are influenced by his
                   abnormal beliefs. Mr Cordell perceives himself as a victim and is aggrieved by the
                   injustice carried out against him. In my view,
                   Mr Cordell’s ability to weigh the information relevant to the current proceedings is
                   impaired due to his tendency to misinterpret any information presented to him to fit
                   into his entrenched persecutory delusional beliefs. Moreover Mr Cordell presents with
                   significant thought disorder and it is unlikely that he will be able to give coherent
                   instructions to the defence.
                   It is therefore my opinion that Mr Cordell lacks capacity to litigate and give appropriate
                   instructions to the defence.
               2.  Whether Mr Cordell understands the terms of the injunction order dated 9 January
                   Mr Cordell is currently suffering from symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder and
                   presents with florid psychotic symptoms. His thinking and behaviour are influenced by
                   his underlying persecutory beliefs. Mr Cordell is convinced that the injunction order is a
                   cover up by the local authority for the errors and mistakes of the ASBO and therefore
                   did not stand up in Court. Mr Cordell is convinced that the injunction order has been
                   falsified by certain individuals (particularly Lemmy possibly in conjunction with others).
                   He therefore does not value the order, or the contents contained within it. In my
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