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P. 216

Kelly: Is that from a PC Geoghan
          Gareth: Bear with me at the end of the day it is just a signature Kelly:
          Oh, alright okay
          Gareth: All I can say is property left in the vehicle there is nothing in their Property
          removed from driver that is blank as well but obviously he did not remove anything else
          as that would have been registered Kelly: Yeah
          Gareth: He would have told the officer there’s tools in there be careful as they’re part of
          me trade Kelly: Yeah
          Gareth: Then that would have been registered they were within there. We take them
          out and piut them into our property store for safe-keeping and then when he comes to
          collect them, they get given back then
          Kelly: Right okay that fine it is just when we got a call from the officer when he has Mr

          Cordell at the road side, he has advised us that he is carrying tools in his vehicle
          Gareth: Well I can’t comment on that I can only go on the information on that seizure
          notice and there was nothing been entered that the gentleman removed anything or
          there was anything left. That’s all I can say
          Kelly: That’s fine no worries so if you can just reply to my email there and then that will
          be great. Thanks for your help.

          Email from Kelly Tiller to compound. Case Number: 011401009802

          REQUEST FROM MAGISTRATES COURT VIA EMAIL = smglondonmc@hmcts. gsi.

          Summons reply sent in by email on 22 May 2014 at 14.19 hours with not guilty plea

          Receipt from 23 May 2014 GL-SWESTERNMCENQ

          Phone call from Simon’s mother who confirmed receipt of the email.

          Convicted in absence on

          Application to re-open case email sent on 11 September 2014 Email acknowledged

          from the court to

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