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                  data electronically or when manually inputting data and was something we were unaware
                  of until  this case.  We  have  of course changed  our  processes to prevent  this occurring
                  The unfortunate outcome for Mr Cordell of course was that it appeared to the Police that
                  he was driving uninsured and was subjected to unnecessary Police stops. This was not Mr
                  Cordell’s fault in any way as he had a valid Insurance policy in force and was fully insured
                  to drive these vehicles  for  the purposes  permitted  under this policy during  the policy

                  We  trust this letter meets  the requirements of the  Police  and  the Courts. Should  you
                  require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.

                  Yours sincerely,

                  Mr Peter Wood
                  UK Specialty Operations Manager

             KGM Motor Insurance       T +44 (0)20 8530 7351     R egistere d in England and Wale s N o 01514453
             KGM House                 F +44 (0)20 8530 8547     Reg stored Office Gallery 9 One Lime Street London EC3M 7 HA
             14 Eastwood Close         T +44 (0)844 412 6412 Claims   KGM Motor Insurance is a brand name for business written by
             South Woodford            F +44(0)20 8530 7037 Claims   Syndicate 260 whichis managed by C anopius Managing Agents Limited
             London E18 1RZ      Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the
             UK                        www. c anopius. c om      Financial C onduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority
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