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Statutorily                                        Appendix 2
         By means of the written law.                       Role and responsibilities of officers

         Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN)             dealing with your tenancy
         A notice that declares a vehicle’s status to the   Income Officers are responsible for collecting rent.
         authorities when it is kept off the road and is on
         private land. The notice must be applied for from   Neighbourhood Officers are responsible for
         the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Authority (DVLA).  dealing with: tenancy audits, successions,
                                                            assignments, changes in tenancy and mutual
         Sub-let                                            exchange visits; reports of anti-social behaviour,
         Giving another person (lodger who pays you         neighbour disputes, hate crime and domestic
         money) the right to live in part of your home with   abuse; and also provide day-to-day liaison with
         our agreement. You will be in breach of the        resident associations.
         Tenancy Agreement if you sub-let the whole of
         your property.                                     Anti-Social Behaviour Officers investigate and
                                                            take enforcement action in serious cases of
         Succession                                         anti-social behaviour.
         The transfer of a tenancy on the death of a tenant.
                                                            Neighbourhood Inspectors deal with issues
         Surrender                                          maintaining the estate environment, estate
         An unwritten agreement between the landlord        parking and communal repairs.
         and the tenant or joint tenant(s) to bring the
         tenancy to an end. The tenant surrenders by        Customer Services Officers are the first point of
         taking steps that can be interpreted as giving up   contact when you contact or visit us. They raise
         their tenancy, such as emptying their property     repairs and will direct your enquiries to the
         and giving up their keys.                          appropriate team.
                                                            Community Engagement Officers deal with
         This describes a vehicle which is designed to be   resident associations, resident involvement and
         used on a road but which is either untaxed and/    consultation. They also provide training and
         or has, or appears to have a fault or faults which   support for greater resident involvement in all
         would, to common knowledge, make it unsuitable     aspects of neighbourhood management. The
         or unsafe for use on the public highway.           officers also support borough-wide residents’
                                                            bodies including the Customer Voice and
         Unsociable hours                                   Leaseholders Forum.
         Late evenings, night time and weekends when        Communal Services deal with caretaking and
         people are relaxing or sleeping.
                                                            grounds maintenance on estates.
         Visitors                                           The Sheltered Housing Service provides
         Anybody who visits you or any member of your       supported accommodation for older residents
         household at your property and is allowed by       and people with support needs.
         you, or any member of your household, to come
         into the property.

         Welfare Benefit Reform
         Changes in the way welfare benefits are being
         assessed and dealt with. These changes took
         place in stages between 2012 and 2014.

         Written permission
         A letter from us allowing you to do something. If
         the permission includes conditions that must be
         met, and you do not carry out these conditions,
         this means the permission is automatically
         withdrawn as if it had never been given.

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