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Section 4
This section does not constitute part of your terms and conditions.
Appendix 1 Fraud
Explanation of words used in this When someone gives false or misleading
agreement information or takes action in order to get
something which they would not otherwise be
Abandon entitled to; for example, money, welfare benefits
When a tenant leaves their home without or a tenancy.
surrendering the tenancy, either by notifying us or
ending the tenancy formally by serving a notice of Fixtures and fittings
All appliances and furnishings in a property,
termination on us. including installations for supplying or using gas,
Anti-social behaviour electric and water.
Behaviour causing, or likely to cause, nuisance,
annoyance, harassment, alarm or distress to Garden
The outside space which is let with your dwelling
anyone. and is for the sole use of you and members of
Assign your household.
To transfer the tenancy during the tenant’s
lifetime. Harassment
To keep doing something to someone which they
Breach find annoying or upsetting. Harassment need not
To break or to fail to keep the conditions of the necessarily be abusive or violent.
Tenancy Agreement, such as paying rent. Insurance
Civil partner Liability cover provided by a company to protect
A person of the same-sex with whom you have goods and belongings in the event of damage.
registered your relationship as a civil partnership
as from 5 December 2005. Joint tenant
If more than one person has signed the Tenancy
Direct access Agreement, then ‘you’ mean the joint tenants
This means you have a front, side or back door together and individually. Joint tenants have a
that leads straight into your private garden. shared interest in the property for the whole
period of the tenancy. You are jointly and
Domestic abuse individually liable to pay the charges and for all
Domestic abuse can be in the form of abuse the obligations under the tenancy.
including threatening behaviour, violence or abuse
(physical, sexual, financial, psychological and Locality
emotional) between people who are, or were in The area in which you live including the estate
an intimate relationship or close family relationship you live on, the streets and all other areas around
regardless of gender or sexuality (this includes your home and the neighbourhood.
forced marriages). Domestic abuse can be
against anyone of any age and any background. Lodger
Someone who pays to share your home with you but
does not have an exclusive right to any part of it. A
lodger would often pay rent that includes a payment
for other things such as meals and/or cleaning.
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