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If we need to come into your home, we will give    3.9  Transfers
           you a minimum of 24 hours’ notice wherever we      We will consider any application you make for a
           can. However, there are situations where we        transfer to another property in line with our
           might have to gain immediate access. If in such a   Allocations Scheme.
           situation, we could not gain access, we have the
           right to force entry into your property.           The offer of a new tenancy within this borough
                                                              will depend on the urgency of your housing need
           The situations where we have this right include    compared with the needs of other transfer
           those where we believe:                            applicants and also on the accommodation
           •  that water or sewage flowing into another       available. If you have enough priority to qualify for
             property is from your home                       an offer, you may be eligible to bid for vacant
           • there is a gas leak in your property             council or housing association homes advertised
           • there is an animal in distress in your property  on our bidding system (see
           •  our assistance is urgently needed in your       for more information).
                                                              3.10  Variation of tenancy conditions

           3.6  Conduct and behaviour                         If we want to change or vary any conditions of
           We will work with you to keep your estates and     your tenancy, we will send you a notice:
           locality safe and free from anti-social behaviour   •  telling you that we are going to serve a Notice
           and behaviour which causes a nuisance and/or         of Variation
           distress to residents.                             •  explaining what the changes are and their effect

           If a tenant or a member of their household or their   •  inviting you to comment on the proposed
           visitor behaves towards you in a way that causes     changes within a given time.
           you nuisance or annoyance, we will tell you what   We will consider your comments before we
           action you can take against the person who is      decide whether to go ahead with the changes.
           breaking the conditions and explain what we can    When we serve the Notice of Variation it will:
           do to help you.
                                                              • give details of the changes
           Our statement of policies and procedures on        • say when the changes begin
           tackling anti-social behaviour is available on our   •  be served at least 4 weeks before the date of
           website or by request to an officer.                 the change.

           3.7  Equality and diversity
                                                              3.11  Right to succeed
           We will act fairly in all matters connected with your   When you die your tenancy will pass to your
           tenancy and will not unlawfully discriminate against   husband, wife or civil partner or cohabitee of
           you or disadvantage anyone on the grounds of       more than 12 months’ duration if they were living
           age, religious belief or faith, disability, ethnicity,   with you at the time of your death. This is called
           gender, gender reassignment or sexual orientation.  ‘succession’. If you do not have a husband, wife,
                                                              civil partner or cohabitee of more than 12
           3.8  Courtesy                                      months’ duration, the tenancy can pass on to a
           Our officers and anyone acting on our behalf will   member of your family if they had been living with
           treat you with courtesy and respect.               you continuously for the 12 months before your
                                                              death. If a joint tenant dies, the tenancy will pass
           If any of our officers or representatives fails to do   to the other joint tenant and this will count as a
           this, you can make a complaint through our         succession. The law only allows one right of
           complaints system.                                 succession.

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