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2.18 Ending your tenancy We may also charge you use and occupation
charges for the property until the person is
Condition 100. You must give at least 4 removed.
weeks’ notice in writing if you are going to
end your tenancy. If we offer you a transfer, Condition 104. You must leave your property
we will set the date for termination. If you do and garden in good repair and clean and
not give proper notice, your tenancy will not tidy, with all fixtures and fittings in the same
end and you will continue to be responsible condition when you move out as they were
for the rent, service charges and any other at the start of the tenancy except for fair
payments due in respect of your tenancy. wear and tear.
The 4 weeks’ notice must end on a Sunday. We will charge you the cost of repairing any
If you are unable to give 4 weeks’ notice, we may damage, installing missing or damaged fixtures
accept surrender of your tenancy earlier unless you and fittings and the cost of any cleaning that is
are a joint tenant seeking to terminate it without necessary.
the consent of the other joint tenant(s). As soon Condition 105. You must remove all rubbish,
as you know you are leaving, you must contact personal effects, including fitted carpets or
us to discuss what you must do on surrender. other floor coverings and furniture from
You can give notice to end your tenancy by inside the property and garden, and any of
writing to the address below: your belongings or rubbish from communal
Enfield Council Housing areas. For further details see our website for
advice and our Clean and Clear policy.
Edmonton Centre
36-44 South Mall We cannot store tenants’ belongings left on
Edmonton the premises after the tenancy has been
London N9 0TN terminated and the keys have been returned
to us because the cost and conditions of
This is the address to which any Notices served insuring against loss and damage would be
on us should be sent. complicated and unreasonably expensive.
Whether you or we end the tenancy the following Therefore, we will get rid of any items that are left
conditions apply: at the end of the tenancy and charge you the
cost of removal. If we do not know your
Condition 101. You must return all keys,
including all main door entry controlled forwarding address, we will put the debt into an
system keys or fobs, for the property to us account in your name and pursue the debt.
at the above address by 12 noon on the When you leave your home, it is your
Monday of the week you leave. responsibility to ensure that we have your
forwarding address in writing.
Condition 102. You must pay the rent and
any other charges up to the date that your Condition 106. You may not be granted
tenancy ends. another council tenancy if you:
If you owe us money when you leave, you must • are evicted from this council tenancy
make arrangements to repay the debt. If you do
not, or if you make an agreement but do not keep • abandon this property and do not return
to it, we may refuse to grant you another council the keys
tenancy. We will take legal action to recover the • owe rent on this or a previous property
debt. • leave this property in a poor condition and
fail to pay for repair and replacement.
Condition 103. You must not leave anyone
living in your home when your tenancy ends. If you need advice on ending your tenancy,
please discuss this with us.
If there are people living in the property when your
tenancy has ended, we will take action to evict
them and charge you for the cost of the action.
16 of 24 Tenancy Agreement November 2014