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I know they are not going to want to give us the data this is why we need to keep on their backs this way the judge can be
          shown how many times data has been asked for. It has been a worry the last times in court as they have said nothing was
          asked for at some points, even on the 10/03/2015 they even said the request for the public order unit information was
          only asked for on the 28/02/2015 when we have been asking since 2014 for this information to be asked for they said
          that's the only things that had been asked for and this is worrying, and is not helping Simon heath at all. Every time its
          gone to court the barristers have said its down to Simon heath that things have not been done, Josey this is not the case
          Simon has been to every meeting and done the things he has be asked to do.
          If we have to keep taking it back to court to get the information then that is what is going to have to be done. Simon is not
          well enough to leave this. I was thinking if we did not have the information from the police to take it back to court next
          week if this can be done.

          Please can you get back to me with an update and send over the details of what has been asked for.
          This is all making me ill, my heath as you know is not great already and I have many problems.
          I am not just dealing with this case for Simon and what the police have done to him over many years which you are
          aware of how Simon has been treated by the police.

          He is really not great also in his heath due to what the police are doing and now has totally locked himself away he don't
          go out from his flat anymore as he thinks the police are going to kill him, I am trying to deal with this by way of him
          getting everything for his business, but due to what Michael said to him he will not open it up, and the sections of the
          ASBO really need to be defined so he can try and carry on with something as I am running out of things to tell him that
          needs to be done as this is the only way to keep him claim.

          I got Tyrone and what the police done to him in Jan 2015, and trying to deal with all his hospital dates.
          I also got the appeal for Simon no insurance on the 14/05/2015 and there will be one other date also.
          I got 2 complaints running with the police.

          And on top of that I got what happened to my mum and trying to deal with all the write ups for that as the coroner is
          taking it to a per inquest review on the 30/04/2015 and everything is really getting on top of me and I am really stressed.
          I also got to look forward to 2 operations at the same hospital my mother passed away in, and that is stressing me out I
          need to try and keep on top of things as I know the 2 operation will need to be done earlier not later and I trying to fit
          everything around dates and things that need to be done.

          Please can you get back to me with an update about the information for the ASBO case and the below emails.

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