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From: Lorraine Cordell [ Sent: 08 April 2015 13:17 To: 'JOSEPHINE
          Subject: RE: Simon Cordell ASBO

          Hi Josey

          Can you let me know if there are any updates to what I asked Michael to do before you told me he had left the

          And let me know who is working on Simon case now and send me the files over I asked for.

          Have the police been contracted in Essex yet for the information for what they did on the 6th and the time leading
          up to the 6th and after it?

          Also Michael said to Simon on the phone if he opens his business website and hirers something out and it ended up
          in an illegal party Simon would be liable under the asbo he is on, even with his teams and conditions, so this is the
          reason he has not opened it yet and this is holding him back. We need to understand the teams of the Asbo as if
          what Michael said Simon would be liable hiring anything out then how does other hire companies work.

          Did Michael find out before he left where this asbo is in place for is it just Enfield as that is the council the police
          used, or is it the whole of the UK, or the met police area? The asbo teams are very broad and we have asked for it to
          be defined many times, even you said before it needs to be defined and this has never been done at court so Simon
          still does not know where he stands, and this is holding him back with his company he wants to open it and start
          trading but is scared to do so.

          We need an update and i need the information as to what has been asked for and what has been done as i don't
          understand anything and nor does Simon. If we need to keep taking it back to court in order to get the discloser then
          that should be done. We cant wait till the last min for information as that just opens more doors for more
          information that is needed.

          Also did you speak to Andy Locke and ask him what he wanted to do about the meeting he said he wanted with



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