Page 107 - Pages from 8. 2017 New 26-05-21 No Table- 3rd Half
P. 107

•  The banging Continued at me!
               •  Working at home!

               •  Since:
                   the Defendant’s anti-social behaviour has ceased towards the neighbors and no
                   complaints have not been received from them. Stated by council solicitor on the:

               •  The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
                   842. Jamie.Newman@met.pnn.police_ (7) / Page Numbers:

               •  The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
                   843. Lorraine Cordell _Re_ Our meeting today_ (1) / Page Numbers:


               The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
               842. Jamie.Newman@met.pnn.police_ (7)
               / Page Numbers: 3503,3504,3505,3506,3507,3508,3509,3510,3511,3512,
               Sent: 31 October 2017 09:10
               Subject: RE: Our meeting today.
               Hello Lorraine,
               I apologise for my delayed reply. I appreciate your concerns re timeliness. As you know I
               discussed this matter with my supervisor last week. Being the matter of greatest importance
               to you I first discussed the possibility of a CPS referral prior to the matter being sent to our
               appropriate authority for a final determination. Here, my supervisor was not of the mind to
               refer the matter to the CPS, citing that PC G’s actions likely did not constitute a criminal
               offence. I understand this will come as a disappointment to you, however our appropriate
               authority may still decide the matter should be referred to the CPS upon the conclusion of the
               re‐investigation. Of course, should this not be the case you will still have a right of appeal to
               the IPCC on this issue. Going forward, I do not propose to continue to seek a further account
               from PC G, instead I shall set to work on completing the report with the information I have in
               my possession. Here I note your wish for the matter to be concluded quickly and the potential
               benefit that such a further account would add to the investigation. Although it is difficult to
               give definitive timescales, I hope to have the report completed by the end of
               November. As previously promised, as per your requests under the Police Reform Act, upon
               the completion of the report I shall send out a copy of PC G’s notebook, together with any
               other documents that may be of interest to you. If you’ve any further questions please do get
               in touch.
               Kind regards
               Jamie Newman | Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit (SMIU) | Directorate of Professional
               Standards |
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