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Our Ref: ENF/18/Q2/SC/6273
               Dear Mrs Cordell
               Re: Your complaint regarding the sharing of your son’s information
               Thank you for passing on your concerns in your conversation and initial email with Angela
               Hague on 30  July 2018, and subsequently with Rachel Yona on 10  August 2018. You
               raised some key questions relating to information governance and the sharing of information
               regarding your son. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in our response to your
               queries, which was due to there being a separate ongoing investigation within the Trust
               regarding the matters you have raised.
               Your concerns have been investigated and I am now in a position to respond to your
               complaint. Your concerns were investigated by Rachel Yona (Enfield Adult Mental Health
               Community Services Manager) and involved interviews with staff and a review of your son’s
               clinical records.
               You stated that a report written by Angela Hague regarding your son, dated 15  June 2018
               and 19  June 2018, had been presented in court on 26  June 2018. You stated you had not
               had prior access to these reports and explained that you had considered the court case and the
               assessments by Angela Hague were separate processes.
               Please be assured that we have looked into this matter and I can confirm the report used in
               court was not a formal report, but rather a response by Angela to a request for information.
               The Trust had communicated to the Council Legal Services that we would not be providing a
               report for the Court and it was recommended they commission an independent report if this
               were required. However as part of the investigation, it has been highlighted that this
               communication was only shared verbally with the Council Legal Services, and the position of
               the Trust was not clarified in writing.
               During our communications with the Council Legal Services it was asked whether your son
               had engaged in his recent assessment, and it was for this reason the information presented in
               court was given. Our investigation found that the information which was sent was not a
               limited, direct response to the question posed to the Trust; I sincerely regret therefore that
               information was overshared and as such this aspect of your complaint is upheld.
               This is a matter we have taken very seriously; I would like to offer you our sincere apologies
               that your son’s information was used for anything other than it’s intended use whilst in the
               hands of the
               Chairman: Mark Lam
               Chief Executive: Jinjer Kandola
               Trust, and assure you that we fully understand our role in ensuring the security and
               safekeeping of records relating to all of those in our care. We have completed a full internal
               incident investigation into this matter, and I would like to assure you that all due processes
               and actions have been taken in relation to this breach.
               I understand that you also were concerned about the processing of your son’s information by
               the Court and the Local Authority. We are aware your son did not give consent for his
               records to be used in Court, and I can confirm the Trust also did not give consent for the
               sharing of information by the Local Authority with the Court. Our investigation found that
               the London Borough of Enfield requested to know if your son had engaged in treatment. As
               part of the legal proceedings the Court had asked for an assessment of your son’s capacity to
               litigate and capacity to understand the meaning of the interim injunction from January 2018.
               Whilst we cannot speak on behalf of the Courts, we believe that this was why they passed on
               the information.
               I am very sorry to learn that you feel the trust between yourself, your son, and the Mental
               Health Services has been broken. I understand that your son is now being seen by the Enfield
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