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number of communications from Ms Cordell about various matters relating to the court
               proceedings that were taken against Simon Cordell and issues to do with his mental health.
               We have therefore sought legal clarification on some of those points and we intend to
               respond to all these matters (including the attached letter) once we have received the
               appropriate advice.
               Please be advised we will provide you will a full response in the new year.
               Yours Sincerely
               Kaunchita Maudhub
               Anti-Social Behaviour - Team Leader
               Community Safety Unit
               Enfield Council
               Civic Centre, Silver St
               Enfield EN1 3XA
               RE: Legal Aid Agency Requirements ->alev.cazimoglu@parliament-195-12-2018.pdf
               Sent: 17 December 2018 11:16
               Subject: FW: MEQ 13653 - Simon Cordell (Case Ref: JR5802) - Due Date 12/12/18
               Attachments: MEQ 13653.pdf
               Dear Lorraine
               Please see the response in relation to your complaint. I know you will be upset with the
               contents of the letter, but I think Simon needs to cooperate with the Mental Health Teams.
               Joan is happy to write to the Mental Health Trust if Simon needs support from them.
               Kind regards,
               Alev, on behalf of Joan Ryan MP
               Labour Member of Parliament for Enfield North
               t: 0208 804 4543 (Enfield North)
               t: 0207 219 2442 (Westminster)
               Westminster Office:
               House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA
               T: 0207 219 2442
               Constituency Office:
               542 Hertford Road, Enfield, EN3 5ST
               T: 0208 804 4543
               Sent: 14 December 2018 14:51 To: RYAN, Joan
               Subject: Re: MEQ 13653 - Simon Cordell (Case Ref: JR5802) - Due Date 12/12/18
               Classification: OFFICIAL
               Dear Joan Ryan MP,
               Please find attached a response to your enquiry from Lorraine Cordell on behalf of her son
               Simon Cordell of Burncroft Avenue.
               Yours Sincerely
               Kaunchita Maudhub
               Anti-Social Behaviour - Team Leader
               Community Safety Unit
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