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Alev, on behalf of Joan Ryan MP
               Labour Member of Parliament for Enfield North
               t: 0208 804 4543 (Enfield North)
               t: 0207 219 2442 (Westminster)
               Westminster Office:
               House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA
               T: 0207 219 2442
               Constituency Office:
               542 Hertford Road, Enfield, EN3 5ST
               T: 0208 804 4543
               From: Cllr Alev Cazimoglu
               Sent: 19 November 2018 15:34
               To: CAZIMOGLU, Alev
               Subject: Fwd.: SC [SEC=OFFICIAL]
               Sent from my iPad
               Begin forwarded message:
               From: Denise Cook-Smith
               Date: 19 November 2018 at 15:32:12 GMT
               To: Cllr Alev Cazimoglu
               Subject: FW: SC [SEC=OFFICIAL]
               Classification: OFFICIAL
               Hi Alev
               Further to your enquiry regarding Simon Cordell. Please see the update below from Debbie
               SC was discharged from hospital on 15/11/18 having been detained under the Mental Health
               Act for the purpose of assessment of his mental health. SC did not believe he required to be
               in hospital or wish to accept the proposed treatment that was offered. As there is insufficient
               grounds or risk for further detention or to take any further intrusive measures against his will,
               he has been discharged.
               SC does not believe he has a mental illness that requires him to take treatment or to maintain
               on-going engagement with mental health services. He appears disappointed with services in
               which he perceives to have received from both housing and metropolitan police believing he
               is being targeted for things he has not done. His assessment has not elicited he has care needs
               warranting supported accommodation or a package of care to sustain independent living as he
               can be adequately supported through universal services. He presents with adequate daily
               living skills and can live in general needs housing. He appears to be young man who has
               particular beliefs, which may lead to him having differences in opinion with others, which
               may impact on relationships with others; particularly those in positions of authority. His
               mental health/psychological state therefore remains fragile; however the risk is not such that
               he can be forced to engage with services.
               He was offered follow-up by mental health services in the community to which he declined,
               although agreed the he can be contacted by nurses from the ward to check on progress
               following discharge. He has been allocated a care coordinator (Soohah Appadoo, North
               Locality Team - 0208 379 4142) who will continue to try to engage him to build a
               relationship. SC describes his main presenting need to be that of his relationship with
               particular neighbours within his block, whom he believes to be intentionally causing him a
               nuisance by way of making noise, and reports feeling disbelieved and unfairly treated by the
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