Page 201 - 11. 2019 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 201

when I submitted the complaint to the mental health team. There has never been no consent
               from my son for Enfield Council to share data the way they have with the mental health team
               the way it has been shared.
               When is Enfield Council going to help my son? not leave him to suffer the way Enfield
               Council has done since the end of 2014 when I started making calls about what was going on
               with the neighbours, from the start of 2015 I had to start sending emails to Enfield Council
               regarding what was going on with the neighbours because Enfield Council was just not
               getting back to me regarding the phone calls and still no one got back to me until 21/09/2015,
               it seems Enfield Council only acts when it is against my son, as I was putting in reports and
               complaints regarding what the
               neighbours were doing well before any report or complaint went in regarding my son,
               I was told so many times by Lemmy Nwabuisi to forget all about the emails I sent, and it
               seems Enfield Council don’t seem to have many of the emails I sent begging for help with
               what was ongoing.
               To me this is one sided only and not once has Lemmy Nwabuisi ever asked to see anything
               this is a beach and discrimination against my son, not even the police take one side to
               everything at least they do an investigation, which I believe the council also have a duty to
               Why is Enfield Council also allowed to try and pressure neighbours into doing statements
               against their will, against my son and don’t think I don’t know about this as I do, why am I
               being told by neighbours Enfield Council is out to get my son really badly and are not going
               to stop until they do get him out, why are neighbours even being talked to about my son? It
               seems Enfield Council will stop at nothing regarding my son.
               Why has Lemmy Nwabuisi or any other Enfield Council worker ever taken any report from
               my son regarding anything when they have been told time and time again, we have proof my
               son has not done the things that is being said he has done? Why does Enfield Council see fit
               to wait months and months and months to tell us about any reports? The list can go on and
               on, but we know already Enfield Council will do nothing for my son but disregard him.
               Please could you clarify for me whether or not you are seeking possession order for my son
               flat? Because you have now admitted in your letter to me dated the 28/12/2018 that the
               information used in your letter dated the 12/12/2018 was incorrect as it was not stated in the
               court order my son had to engage with mental health team to be able to get a housing
               management transfer, and that my son did not need to provide medical evidence to support
               the housing management transfer application, and you did in fact have enough information to
               put this to the panel as the application was completed by the 16/08/2018. As it really seems to
               me that Enfield Council has not done what was within the court order or taken anything the
               Judge said in court on the 09/08/2018 into account, and the basic for the seeking possession
               order on my son's
               flat was based on facts that was clearly not in the court order, if Enfield Council had put this
               before the panel then this would not even be an issue and we would not need to address this
               Also I would like to say at this point Trishna Kerai from Stuart miller solicitors is no longer
               acting solicitors for my son, so there is no need for the legal team or any other team within
               Enfield Council to forward any documents to her regarding my son.
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