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Section 1

           General terms

           This is your Tenancy Agreement. It is a legally binding document which sets out your
           rights and responsibilities as one of our tenants.
           It is an important legal document and should be kept in a safe place.

           Conditions of Tenancy are marked in red text as they are important, and you must
           comply with them.
           If you break any of these tenancy conditions we may have to take legal action against
           you in the courts.  This could lead to you losing your home.

           For further explanation of anything contained in this document, please see our website.
           Where ‘you’ is used in this agreement, it means you, all members of your household and
           any visitors to your property.

           Where ‘we’ or ‘us’ is used in this agreement it means Enfield Council or any agent acting
           on its behalf.

           1.1  Interpretation                                In this agreement, ‘you’ always means you, the
           Unless the contrary is stated or implied, the rights   tenant, or - in the case of joint tenancies - any or
           and obligations set out in this agreement are      all of the joint tenants. Sometimes ‘you’ will
           intended to replicate the rights and obligations   include members of your household and visitors
           established by statute, for example, the Housing   to your home. In this agreement, ‘we’ or ‘us’
           Act 1985, Part IV. The contrary may be implied     means the London Borough of Enfield and its
           where, for example, rights and obligations are set   agents or representatives.
           out in the contract that either are not addressed
           by statute or where the statute gives the council   1.3  Personal information and
           discretion.                                        photographs

                                                              Fair Processing Notice
           1.2  What this agreement means                     We collect and process personal information to
           By signing the Tenancy Agreement you are           allow us to allocate homes and manage and
           entering into a legal contract with us to keep to all   improve services. This may involve sharing your
           the conditions of your tenancy set out in this     personal data with other organisations that are
           document.                                          contracted to carry out services on our behalf.
                                                              This includes services provided to you such as
           This agreement is for both introductory and        repairs but also services delivered to us such as
           secure tenancies. If your tenancy is an            fraud detection provided by credit reference
           introductory one, you do not have all the rights   agencies. These organisations are obliged to
           that you will have when your tenancy is secure.    keep your personal details secure. When we
           The section below, under the heading               share information, we will draw up an agreement
           ‘Introductory tenancies’, outlines the rights you   with the organisation that we need to share the
           do have as an introductory tenant. Whether you     information with. This is so that both sides
           are an introductory or a secure tenant, all the    understand why the information is being passed
           conditions will apply.                             on, and what it can be used for.

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