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Section 2
Your conditions of tenancy
2.1 Rent 2.1.2 Miscellaneous recharges
We can change your rent and other charges at Condition 6. You must pay the cost of any
any time. We have to give you 28 days’ written items or works which are not our
notice of any change in your rent and the change responsibility and for general damage to and
must start on a Monday but we can change your misuse of the property. Examples are broken
water and other charges at any time. glass due to damage caused by you, a
The notice will specify the revised net rent and member of your household, or visitors to
other charges. This notice may be left at or your household, the replacement of lost
posted to your property. keys or fobs or the reinstatement of
unauthorised alterations.
Our usual practice is to increase the rent and
other charges no more than once a year in April 2.1.3 Liability of joint tenants
although this does not preclude a change in rent Condition 7. If you are a joint tenant, you are
or other charges at any other time in the year responsible for all the rent and other
when necessary. charges when they are due.
2.1.1 Failure to pay In a joint tenancy, each tenant has full
responsibility for paying the rent and any other
Condition 4. You must pay your total rent charges due on the property.
– which includes any charges on the
property, for example water rates and If one of you leaves the property without ending
service charges for amenities – in full on or the tenancy, or does not pay the rent and the
before the date the payment is due. account goes into arrears, each joint tenant will
continue to be responsible for the rent and any
If you fail to pay your rent and/or charges, the arrears on the account.
council may take legal action to recover the debt
or ask the court to grant us possession of the If you have a joint tenancy, the tenancy ends for
property. This could lead to you being evicted. both joint tenants if you or the other joint tenant
serves a valid Notice to Quit on us.
Condition 5. You must tell us if you are
unable to pay your rent in full or on time, and If you serve a Notice to Quit on us, it is valid if it is
you must make an agreement to pay any in writing and served at least 4 weeks before the
rent arrears. date of termination. The day of termination must
always be a Sunday. This must be signed and
We will treat your payments as rent due before dated by you.
we credit them to any other charges.
If you owe rent or any other charges for a Condition 8. If you or another joint tenant is
previous tenancy, we may require you to pay intending to leave, or has left the property,
these through your current rent account. you must inform us in writing.
If you are a joint tenant with your partner and your
relationship breaks down, we may inform you
about where you can get independent legal
advice on your rights.
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