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Condition 29. It is your responsibility to pay     Condition 32. You must not neglect your
         for all gas and electricity used in your           property and let it fall into disrepair. This
         property, directly to the appropriate gas and      includes individual gardens as well as
         electricity company unless you live in a           shared access pathways and steps in
         block where the heating is communal and            houses. Tenants of flats and maisonettes are
         the landlord charges you directly for this as      expected to report defects to communal
         a service charge.                                  areas; for example, defective floor tiles.
                                                            Condition 33. You must keep the inside of
         2.4  Sheltered accommodation
                                                            your property clean and in reasonable
         Condition 30. If you live in sheltered             decorative order.
         accommodation, you must seek your
         Sheltered Estate Manager’s permission if           Condition 34. You must not use the property
         anyone is moving in with you for more than a       in any way that may cause a health or safety
         few days.                                          hazard or encourage vermin and/or pests
                                                            (for example, by hoarding items
         This should not be a permanent arrangement.        inappropriately).
         However, your Sheltered Estate Manager may
         inform you of other housing options that may be    You must take reasonable steps to secure your
         more suitable for you.                             property, for example, lock windows and doors
                                                            when you go out.
         2.5  Home contents insurance                       It is your responsibility to decorate your home
         Enfield Council is responsible for insuring the    when it is needed.
         building and structure of your home but not the
         contents.                                          Condition 35. If your property suffers from
                                                            condensation or damp, you must inform our
         The council’s building insurance does not cover    Customer Services Team and follow any
         contents insurance for your possessions. You       reasonable advice given to you.
         are responsible for insuring your home             To help prevent condensation, you should:
         contents. We are not responsible for loss or
         damage to your belongings including that caused    • wipe dry the insides of windows
         by other residents.                                •  open the windows and close the doors of any
                                                              room used for hanging wet clothes
         2.6  Looking after your home                       •  not overcrowd any rooms with furniture or
         Condition 31. You must take care not to
         cause damage to your property or the
         property of your neighbours.                       2.7  Shared areas (communal)
         You should have any washing machine or             Condition 36. You must not cause an
         dishwasher, electric or gas cooker, professionally   obstruction in any shared area, including
         installed. You must not use any of these if you    balconies, garage and shed areas. You must
         know or suspect them to be faulty. If we send an   co-operate with us to help keep shared
         electrician to check the electrical circuit and s/he   areas clean and tidy.
         finds that your appliance is faulty, we may        Everyone living in a block of flats or maisonettes
         recharge you the cost of the circuit check.        is responsible for cleaning the landing area

         Refer to our website for advice on how to check if   outside their flat.
         you have a faulty appliance. (See Appendix 3 for
         website details.)

                                                                            Tenancy Agreement November 2014    09 of 24

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