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Condition 19. You must not use the If you move out of your property and allow
communal area, any neighbouring areas or someone else to live there, you will no longer be a
any garage or pram shed for any illegal secure tenant. We will take action to recover
purpose including, but not limited to: possession of the property by serving a Notice
to Quit.
• arson or attempted arson
• interference with security and safety Condition 23. You must not allow your home
equipment to become overcrowded by other people
• wilful damage to shared areas or facilities, living or staying there. You will not receive
including sheds priority to transfer to larger accommodation
under our Allocations Scheme if you do so.
• breaking windows or doors or writing
graffiti Condition 24. You must notify us in writing,
• using weapons such as guns and/or knives within 14 days, of any change, compared to
• using pets or dogs as a weapon those listed on your Tenancy Agreement, in
the people who are living in your home. The
• using and/or dealing drugs.
notification must give:
You will be responsible for the cost of renewing
any door that has been damaged following any • the person’s full name, gender and date of
forced entry by the Police and reclaiming the cost birth
from the Police. • the date of the change and
• whether s/he moved in or out of your
Condition 20. You must not keep any firearm, home.
shot gun, or air rifle in your property without
all the necessary certification required by Condition 25. You are allowed to take in
law and without our written permission. lodgers but must notify us in writing as
required by Condition 24.
2.2.6 Other unacceptable behaviour Introductory tenants are not allowed to take in
Condition 21. You must not abuse, harass, lodgers.
make offensive comments and/or malicious
allegations, use or threaten to use violence Condition 26. You must not sublet or give up
against any of our officers or agents, or the whole of your property. If you do this,
against a councillor. This applies at any time your secure tenancy may end. You may only
and in any place. We may report the matter sub-let part of your property with our prior
to the Police. written permission.
If you fail to keep this tenancy condition, we will Condition 27. You can only assign your
support our officers if they refuse to interview you, tenancy under certain circumstances which
visit you, or speak to you on the telephone. We are described on page 19. You must have
may also refuse you entry to our offices and take our written permission to do so.
legal action against you. Condition 28. You must not carry on or
advertise any trade or business at your
2.3 Use of premises premises without our written permission and
Condition 22. You must live in your property the necessary legal or planning
and use it as your only or main home. requirements.
If you are to be away from your home for a This Tenancy Agreement only gives you the right to
continuous period of more than a month, you use your property as a private residence. If we give
should inform us. If you do not do so, we may written permission for you to use your property for
think that the property has been abandoned and business purposes, you must still meet any
take action to recover possession of it. You must necessary legal or planning requirements for your
tell us how and where you can be contacted in business use. If your business causes nuisance or
case of an emergency. annoyance to neighbours or local residents, we
can withdraw our permission.
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