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Condition 37. You must NOT:                        Condition 38. You must co-operate fully with
                                                              any measures we take to protect the
           •  store or leave any personal belongings
             such as flower pots, children’s buggies,         security of your home and others’ homes
             bicycles, boots and shoes in shared areas        and you must keep all shared doors closed
                                                              (for example: fire doors on landings).
           • leave your rubbish in shared areas
           •  use inflatables (or other paddling/             Condition 39. You and/or anyone living with
             swimming pools, trampolines, bouncy              you or visiting you must not interfere with
             castles) in shared areas such as communal        any equipment for detecting or for putting
             gardens without our prior written                out fires in shared areas.
             permission. In deciding whether to grant         Condition 40. You must not install a gate
             permission, you will need to demonstrate         leading on to shared footpaths and
             that you have the necessary public liability     communal balconies without our prior
             insurance cover and that adult supervision       written permission.
             will be provided at all times
           •  install swings and/or slides in communal        Condition 41. You must not erect any
             areas                                            structure on communal land. This includes
                                                              fencing off communal land.
           •  use barbeques on balconies or in
             communal areas                                   Condition 42. You must not swap sheds with
           •  use a shared walkway/balcony/staircase to       another resident without getting our prior
             hang out washing                                 written permission.
           •  store any items within communal area            Not all flats are allocated with a shed. We reserve
             cupboards, communal loft spaces, intake,         the right to take back the shed if it is swapped
             water tanks and communication                    without permission or misused.
             equipment cupboards, other than allocated
             pram sheds                                       We will not be responsible for the loss or damage
                                                              to any items stored in your shed. You will need to
           •  adopt for sole use any communal area or
             land; for example landing, balcony, garden       cover this on your own home contents insurance.
             area, shared drying room, communal loft          Condition 43. You must not use any shed for
             space. This also includes extending any          sleeping accommodation.
             existing individual garden.
           •  cut down, top, lop, uproot, damage or           2.8  Improvements and alterations
             destroy any tree, shrub, plant or hedge on
             communal land                                    Condition 44. You must obtain our prior
                                                              written permission before carrying out any
           •  store re-chargeable motorised vehicles          alterations, improvements or structural work
             without our express consent to do so
                                                              to the property. You may need to obtain
           •  use extension leads to charge/use any           other permissions such as planning
             appliances on or within communal areas           permission or building regulations approval.
           •  throw anything inappropriate down the
             communal rubbish chute; for example              Condition 45. You will be responsible for
             wood, bricks and children’s buggies.             maintaining and/or repairing any alterations
                                                              or improvements that you have carried out
           We reserve the right to remove any items that are   to your home.
           placed in shared areas without permission and
           dispose of them, as well as repairing any damage   Condition 46. You must not make any
           arising from misuse of those areas, and recharge   alterations to any gas appliance or
           the cost to the tenant responsible where known.    installation in your home (including any
                                                              gas and electric meter and any other
                                                              associated pipe work or equipment or
                                                              lighting installations).

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